
Embrilliance™ is a 3rd party embroidery software – meaning it not specific to any brand of embroidery machine, but works with ALL embroidery machines. It installs on your computer, Windows or Mac, and then allows you to save any embroidery file into the file format used by your embroidery machine.

Embrilliance makes it easy to resize, merge, add lettering, and do just about anything you want to do using your embroidery machine.

Enjoy reasonable pricing on embroidery software you’ll actually Love to Use! It can do what you need with a 90 day refund policy if you buy it from the links below. Mixing Mac and Windows? No problem — you get both versions. Need it on all your computers? Sure, go ahead: No additional licenses required. All the employees in your production shop? Yes, even commercial sites. Dongles or Activation? Never!

READY TO BUY? Click here to get any module of the Embrilliance platform. If you are a beginner, I recommend Essentials and Thumbnailer.

Is Embrilliance right for you? Here’s a video where I attempt to answer some of your questions.

Buy Embrilliance Software

Ready to buy? The links below are affiliate links to help support my family business at no additional cost to you. Thank you for using my links!

Essentials. If you are a beginner with Embrilliance and design editing outside of your embroidery machine, I recommend you start with the Essentials. This is the basic program and I use it all the time.

Want to use lettering from an alphabet and type it out like a BX font? Alpha Tricks makes it easy!

Enthusiast. You’ll love this because of the precise positioning.

Files too dense? Try the Density Repair Kit!

Thumbnailer. A MUST if you have more than one embroidery design. See your files in the folders on your computer!

StitchArtist Level 1
Ready to begin your digitizing adventure? Start with Stitch Artist Level 1.

StitchArtist Level 2
Up your digitizing game a notch!